
Alternative Installation

Ensure pip is up to date, and your version of python is at least 3.6:

pip install --upgrade pip
python --version

Install cartopy using the instructions provided at

Then install ldcpy:

pip install ldcpy

Accessing the tutorial (for users)

If you want access to the tutorial notebook, clone the repository (this will create a local repository in the current directory):

git clone

Start by activating the ldcpy environment, enabling Hinterland for code completion in Jupyter Notebook and then starting the notebook server:

conda activate ldcpy
conda install -c conda-forge jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
jupyter contrib nbextension install --user
jupyter nbextension enable hinterland/hinterland
jupyter notebook

The tutorial notebook can be found in docs/source/notebooks/TutorialNotebook.ipynb, feel free to gather your own metrics or create your own plots in this notebook!